Happy May Day! May 01, 2022

May 1, International Labor Day, originated from the workers' strike in Chicago, USA. On May 1, 1886,

more than 216,000 workers in Chicago held a general strike for the implementation of the eight-hour

workday. After a hard and bloody struggle, they finally won. To commemorate this great labor movement,

in July 1889, the Second International announced that May 1 every year would be designated as International

Labor Day. This decision received an immediate and positive response from workers all over the world. On

this day, working people all over the world will hold various celebrations. Let's take a look at how countries

around the world celebrate May 1 International Labor Day.


3 days off, and celebrations and commendations are held. The Chinese people's celebration of Labor Day

dates back to 1918. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, May 1 was designated as the

statutory Labor Day, which was a national holiday. On this day every year, the whole country celebrates.

People put on festive costumes and gather joyfully in parks, theaters, and squares to participate in various

celebration gatherings or cultural and recreational activities, and commend laborers who have made

outstanding contributions.


The birthplace of Labor Day is only "May Day". However, Labor Day in the United States is established on the

first Monday in September every year. Every September Labor Day, Americans can take a day off. People all

over the United States generally hold various celebrations such as parades and rallies to show their right to

respect for workers.


Since the establishment of Labor Day, Russia has attached great importance to this special day. On May 1st,

Russia has a national holiday, and various celebrations and mass parades are held.

quick quotation:






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